Sunday, February 12, 2012

Italian Coffee

As many of you know, I'm a devout coffee snob. Since Italy is known for coffee, this seems like the epicenter for good coffee. So far, I disagree. Almost all coffee I've had here is good, but it's not anywhere near the craft coffee places I've been in Chicago, Austin and San Francisco. There, the baristas study coffee, know the farmer the beans came from, and have it down to a science. I haven't been anywhere yet in Italy that serves coffee roasted locally. Coffee enthusiasts know coffee always tastes best when consumed within 10 days of the roast date, and especially within 72 hours. All bars here serve Illy coffee. It's good. Better than Folgers and cheap American coffees, but it doesn't hold up against the American "Big 3" which are Blue Bottle, Intelligentsia, and Stumptown (I've never had Stumptown, but I've heard it's the best). The average espresso in Italy is much better than the average espresso in the States, but I have yet to find a place that prides themselves in their coffee. I am not giving up hope though. I have seen a few of the of the "Best Coffee in Rome" lists, and have seen raving reviews for Roman coffee from coffee snobs who have been to the best in the U.S. Maybe I'll find something better.

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